School of the Prophets
God In Action Ministries
with Apostle Anita Hopes
School of the Prophets
School of the Prophets Senior Year Curriculum Overview
Exploration of Old Testament Minor Prophets I & II
This course is designed to give extensive insight into understanding the call and purposes of God in relation to His prophets and His prophetic messages. In the Old Testament we know that the Holy Spirit came upon prophets, priests, and kings to convey a message to the people. Many messages told of the coming Christ, His Son and His righteous rule. Through the prophets Amos, Micah and Hosea we can learn much about how God develops his prophets, and his intense love for the people he created.
Types of Prophetic Leadings
This course is designed to give a better understanding of the various types of prophetic leadings such as visual, hearing, and by our inner sensing. By studying scriptures of ways God led people in the Bible, we can compare this to our lives and how he leads us. Sometimes God leads us by pictures, other times by words or signs, through his word, and at times by the inward witness, or sensing. Since he is God, he has the ability to speak to anyone and convey his messages. He is God who created everything and controls the wind, water, elements, animals and all living things. He is God who God who made the sun stand still!
Dreams Workshop I & II
This course is designed to awaken the students’ desire to understand and interpret the dreams and visions God gives them. As stated in Genesis 40:8, we know that interpretations alone belong to God. We will explore such topics as Biblical Numerology, Symbols, and Meanings, and enlist the aid of various biblical charts and graphs, including the Hebrew alphabet and number sequence chart. We will additionally attempt to dissect some of the prophetic dreams and visions in the Bible.
The goal is to give more exploration into the meaning of colors, directions, objects, words and various pictures in interpreting what we see in our dreams and in visions. Knowing that the Almighty God speaks to us extensively using this method, we need to understand in order to fulfill his purpose for us on the earth. We will learn how to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in interpretation.
Building Prophetic Confidence
This course is designed to strengthen the students in their prophetic deliveries. It is through faith and relationship that we come to know God and walk confidently with him. Since a prophet speaks the words God gives him to say, he Must know the One who is sending him. “ How can two walk together unless they agree?” Amos 3:3.
Hearing God’s voice is key and trusting Him to fulfill all he has said is pivotal to this relationship. A prophet must be sure that what he is speaking, God has said. So he is developed in faith and in a very close relationship with God.
How to Give an Accurate Word
This course is designed to help the students in their delivery of the Word of God. They will learn how to accurately give a word of prophecy that will edify, encourage, and uplift. We will teach on the importance of our relationship with God and how to hear with accuracy what the Holy Spirit is speaking.
We will also learn about the delivery of the messages and how to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. There are times to speak and times to be quiet. Since this is so critical in the delivery, we will spend time instructing, hearing, and practicing. Instruction will include information on how to move when the Holy Spirit is moving, and not hold back.
Knowing that there are things or circumstances that can hinder the accurate hearing and thus cause the student to pull back from prophesying, we will take an in depth look into these areas.
Confidence in God, and in who you are in Him is critical to walking in the Holy Spirit and giving an accurate word of prophesy. Therefore, we will review and elaborate on scriptures that reinforce these truths.
Prophets are one of the 5-fold ministry gifts given to the Body of Christ at Christ’s ascension. They are for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Therefore, it is imperative that the role or purpose is known. We will review and come to a clear understanding of what is expected of a prophet and how does he/she function.
How to Judge Prophecy
In the end times that we live in, as promised by God in Joel chapter 2, he has poured out his Spirit upon all flesh, and sons and daughters are prophesying. Both dreams and visions have escalated, and many people are prophesying. Along with this, however, God has also left on record through his word that false prophets will increase. This course is designed to assist in understanding how to judge prophecy. We are admonished by God to judge the words we receive. We are to try the spirit (speaking to us) by the spirit to see whether it is of God, for many false spirits have gone out into the world. So how will we know them? They shall be exposed by their fruit. We will therefore examine authentic fruit of God in order to know the counterfeit.
Seven Mountains of Influence
This course is designed to shed light on the various cultures of the world and our commission to enter them and cause positive transformation by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are instructed by the Lord to “go” into all the world and preach the gospel [good news] to every creature.
We will identify these cultures and God’s method of infiltration, including the “why” factor and the outcome that God desires in each culture. We will explore what a culture is, and how to impact it.
As with any infiltration, it is important to understand the mission, the assignment, the strategies, and the key players. Who does God desire to use in these cultures and what are the qualifications? Are all called?
Dreams Workshop III & IV
This course is a continuation of courses one and two, and offers a more in depth study of our brain and how it works during our times of dreaming. We also study how it works when awake and which parts we use in dreaming or seeing visions. We explore how uniquely God has created us using colors, numbers and other details to get a explicit message to us. These fascinating courses give a greater understanding of the why and how we dream or see visions. The students are taught to rely heavily upon the Holy Spirit interpretations.
Modern Day Market Place Prophets
This course is designed to help the student understand that the Almighty God is Sovereign and has a plan for their lives. This plan includes placing them in the Marketplaces which is also termed, the seven mountains or cultures of society. He has been equipping them to infiltrate these areas and bring enlightenment. The goal is to bring the “good news” of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. By this, lives will be changed forever, even generations and cultures.
Its all about God’s tremendous love in giving His Only Begotten Son for us in order to bring us redemption and all the good He has for us through Christ. We will look at a few of the Old Testament and New Testament saints and how they fulfilled their assignments.